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CA Grown Mom
Susan Phillips
Susan Phillips
California Grown’s resident blogger Susan Phillips grew up in a small farming town in the California central valley. She toddled through her dad’s cotton and tomato fields as soon as she could walk and made colossal mud pies with cousins. Her farming heritage goes all the way back to her maternal great-great-grandfather being one of the first settlers to farm in Ventura County. Dominic McGrath was an innovative grower and created a farming dynasty that is still alive today.
Susan inherited those innovative genes from both sides of her family and channels that resourcefulness in her own way – developing tutorials and home DIY’s for her own blog – Living with Punks, along with freelance writing for Momtastic – a website focused on equipping today’s mom with all the tools needed for raising a fun, healthy family.
Her favorite food is a tomato picked right off the vine. Try it sometime!