California Greenin’ Smoothie


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California Greenin’ Smoothie

January 5, 2015
CA Grown Mom

Susan Phillips

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California Greenin’ Smoothie

California Greenin' Smoothie.  A tasty, nutrient-packed green smoothie!

Confession:  I have never had a green smoothie before today. *wince*

I know they have been rising in popularity and I had heard about all the nutritional benefits, but seriously- I didn’t know they would taste THIS good!

I would have jumped on the bandwagon much sooner!

California Greenin' Smoothie.  A tasty, nutrient-packed green smoothie!

And with the New Year upon us, what better time to think about approaching our diets in a whole new way.   This smoothie is packed with fresh, nutrient-rich produce and nuts all easily available in our Golden State.

The flavor is crisp and pure, and I don’t need to tell you how vivid the colors are…

California Greenin' Smoothie.  A tasty, nutrient-packed green smoothie!

Not only is it gorgeous and delicious, but it’s about the easiest thing you will make all year.  I promise!  And that’s saying something since we have about 360 more to go….

Here’s what you’ll need:

California Greenin' Smoothie.  A tasty, nutrient-packed green smoothie!

Place it all in a blender and puree until smooth and luscious and pour over ice.

California Greenin' Smoothie.  A tasty, nutrient-packed green smoothie!

I topped mine with a little slivered almonds to pretty it up.

California Greenin' Smoothie.  A tasty, nutrient-packed green smoothie!

Just in case you are wondering (or freaked out about the color), this does not have a strong spinach taste.  The pear and apple are the dominant flavors and the almond milk adds a slight sweetness. So yummy!

Here’s to a healthy 2015!


  • 2 C. almond milk
  • 2 lg. handfuls spinach leaves
  • 1 apple
  • 1 pear
  • 1 avocado
  • 3 dried plums


  1. Rough chop all the fruits
  2. Place all the ingredients in a blender
  3. Blend until smooth
  4. Pour in a glass filled with ice

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