Sparkling Wine Fruit Kabobs


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Sparkling Wine Fruit Kabobs

December 30, 2015
CA Grown Mom

Susan Phillips

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Sparkling Wine Fruit Kabobs

Sparkling Wine Fruit Kabobs

Sparkling Wine and Fruit Kabobs

Did you realize we have some awesome fruit that grows here in California in the dead of winter?  Thanks to the amazing weather and rich soil here in the Golden State, we can enjoy sweet, delicious fruit when the rest of the country is covered in snow.   We are generous enough to share in the wealth with the rest of the nation, but it’s nice to know we have first dibs.


Sparkling Wine and Fruit Kabobs

I put together this quick and easy idea to incorporate and take advantage of these fresh fruits whilst sipping away on California Sparkling Wine!  The strawberries and kiwi are the perfect compliment and are so simple to handle in your glass because they are skewered (with a hint of mint) and rest easily in the glass. 

Sparkling Wine and Fruit Kabobs

You can even prop the fruit kabob on the top of the glass for easy nibbling… then dip it back down in to soak up the goodness!

 For the kabobs, I used California kiwis and strawberries.   I bought this particular package of strawberries from Driscoll’s at my local grocery store.  I always play the label game and constantly make sure the produce I am buying for my family is from California.  This particular package said Made int he U.S.A, but I wasn’t sure it was California.  I called Driscoll’s (thanks for making it so easy to talk to someone!) and the customer service rep told me to find the label at the bottom with the Harvestmark and enter it into their Follow the Farm page.   

Sparkling Wine and Fruit Kabobs

All I had to do was enter the number and voila,  the location of the farm where these particular berries came from popped up!  Mine happen to be from the Oxnard area.  How cool is that?  I appreciate that Driscoll’s is aware that many consumers want to know where their food comes from and have increased their technology, making it so simple to have this knowledge literally at our fingertips.    

Sparkling Wine and Fruit Kabobs

Now all you have left to do is pour yourself and your guests a fabulous glass of sparkling wine


Sparkling Wine and Fruit Kabobs

Add a delicious fruit kabob…


Sparkling Wine and Fruit Kabobs

And enjoy the Holidays!



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Sparkling Wine Fruit Kabobs

Sparkling Wine and Fruit Kabobs

Did you realize we have some awesome fruit that grows here in California in the dead of winter?  Thanks to the amazing weather and rich soil here in the Golden State, we can enjoy sweet, delicious fruit when the rest of the country is covered in snow.   We are generous enough to share in the wealth with the rest of the nation, but it’s nice to know we have first dibs.


Sparkling Wine and Fruit Kabobs

I put together this quick and easy idea to incorporate and take advantage of these fresh fruits whilst sipping away on California Sparkling Wine!  The strawberries and kiwi are the perfect compliment and are so simple to handle in your glass because they are skewered (with a hint of mint) and rest easily in the glass. 

Sparkling Wine and Fruit Kabobs

You can even prop the fruit kabob on the top of the glass for easy nibbling… then dip it back down in to soak up the goodness!

 For the kabobs, I used California kiwis and strawberries.   I bought this particular package of strawberries from Driscoll’s at my local grocery store.  I always play the label game and constantly make sure the produce I am buying for my family is from California.  This particular package said Made int he U.S.A, but I wasn’t sure it was California.  I called Driscoll’s (thanks for making it so easy to talk to someone!) and the customer service rep told me to find the label at the bottom with the Harvestmark and enter it into their Follow the Farm page.   

Sparkling Wine and Fruit Kabobs

All I had to do was enter the number and voila,  the location of the farm where these particular berries came from popped up!  Mine happen to be from the Oxnard area.  How cool is that?  I appreciate that Driscoll’s is aware that many consumers want to know where their food comes from and have increased their technology, making it so simple to have this knowledge literally at our fingertips.    

Sparkling Wine and Fruit Kabobs

Now all you have left to do is pour yourself and your guests a fabulous glass of sparkling wine


Sparkling Wine and Fruit Kabobs

Add a delicious fruit kabob…


Sparkling Wine and Fruit Kabobs

And enjoy the Holidays!



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