Grilled Cherry Shortcake


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Grilled Cherry Shortcake

May 18, 2016
CA Grown Mom

Susan Phillips

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Grilled Cherry Shortcake

Grilled Cherry Shortcake

I know!

We did WHAT with a cherry?

Yep, we grilled ’em.  


Grilled Cherry Shortcake

It’s just that those darn red beauties start showing up at the grocery store and my mind starts thinking of new ways to use them.  We’ve grilled peaches before, and of course pineapple, so why not add cherries to the grilling repertoire? It just makes sense….

Grilling cherries is pretty simple, actually.  Just pit and halve them, then skewer them onto a basic skewer.  I used water soaked wood, but you can use metal if that is all you have.  Grilling the cherries imparts a slight smoky flavor and tends to break the flesh down a bit so they are softer.


Grilled Cherry Shortcake

Which is the perfect texture for this sensational shortcake!

 Traditionally reserved for strawberries, we used our softened, charred cherries for this summertime dessert and was blown away by the flavor.  Best part is they are easy to assemble and can be made ahead of time.  These mason jars are the perfect size to keep the shortcake contained, but you can always assemble them on small dessert plates and serve immediately 


Grilled Cherry Shortcake

I dusted mine with a small amount of dark chocolate and slivered almonds.  Quite the “Cherry On Top” if I do say so myself!


Grilled Cherry Shortcake

Go ahead.

Dig in


Grilled Cherry Shortcake

Here’s the recipe for ya!


Grilled Cherry Shortcake
Serves 8
Grilled cherries impart a slight smoky flavor and soft texture to this easy summer dessert
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Prep Time
20 min
Cook Time
10 min
Total Time
30 min
Prep Time
20 min
Cook Time
10 min
Total Time
30 min
  1. 2-3 lbs. cherries, pitted and halved
  2. 2 cups heavy whipping cream
  3. 1/4 cup sugar
  4. 1 teaspoon vanilla
  5. Pound cake or madeline cookies
  1. Skewer the cherries and grill on a hot grill for a few minutes per side. Remove from skewer and set aside
  2. Whip the cream, sugar and vanilla until peaks form
  3. Place a portion of cherries (about 8 halves) to cover the bottom of 4 oz. mason jar
  4. Add whipped cream, pound cake, more cherries and a dollop of whipped cream
  5. Dust with almonds and chocolate if desired
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