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Cantaloupe Breakfast Bowls
Susan Phillips
Read Bio »Cantaloupe Breakfast Bowls
Let’s play a game – It’s called Let’s Make Bowls out of Food!
Seriously, you can make this with honeydew, watermelon, or any other type of melon. You can switch out the ingredients and the fruit topping with whichever you prefer. I filled mine with greek yogurt and topped them with fresh California berries. I can even see serving ice cream in the cantaloupe for your after-dinner dessert…topped with cherries and a bit of almonds!
Make sure you start with in-season California cantaloupes. They are the sweetest and juiciest around. And that’s a fact!
Slice that puppy right down the middle
Scoop out the seeded membrane
Fill the center with greek yogurt, ice cream, or any other desired filling
Toss a small amount of granola on top
Follow up with a fresh selection of berries.
Drizzle the top with a nice amount of honey.
Instant healthy breakfast in about 5 minutes. That might be a personal record!
I topped mine with a bit of mint and next time I’m definitely adding more. The mint added a brightness of flavor to the bowl and really took it to the next level.
Dig in…
So good!
Here’s the printable recipe if you need it…
- 1 cantaloupe
- 1/2 cup greek yogurt
- Small amount of granola
- 3 oz. each of raspberries and blackberries
- Honey
- Mint sprig
- Cut the cantaloupe in half and remove the seeds
- Fill the cavity with the yogurt
- Top with granola and berries
- Drizzle with honey and mint
- Enjoy!
- You can easily swap the yogurt with ice cream and make a great dessert