Artichoke Spinach Galette


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Artichoke Spinach Galette

December 28, 2016
CA Grown Mom

Susan Phillips

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Artichoke Spinach Galette

I’ve been galette-obsessed lately. I actually dream of ingredients that I can stuff inside the earthy pie crust. I scan the produce section thinking hmmmm, would that work?

I truly love the idea of a freeform pie that takes on rustic characteristics with hearty contents. Not only are they beautiful, but they can be versatile too! The fillings can be sweet for more of a dessert theme, or savory and cheesy like the one I made today.

I thought this particular version would be an amazing appetizer for our New Year’s Eve get-together. The simple, aromatic ingredients will satisfy all the people on our guest list!

It’s going to pair perfectly with my new fave California sparkling wine, Rosè. Can’t get enough of it!

As an appetizer, this galette will serve about 20 people. I suggest the slices be pie shaped and very thin. The rich taste and flaky crust goes a long way!

I started with fresh, California artichokes. If you are pressed for time, you can use canned artichokes, but I find using fresh artichokes makes all the difference in flavor with this galette! We steam them for about 30 minutes and use the hearts.



Take your round pie crust and place on a pizza stone or baking sheet.


Top with the spinach and cheese mixture, making sure to keep the ingredients away from the edges.


Chop the artichokes hearts and top the cheese mixture with them.


Bring up the pie crust over the ingredients and fold to form a crease or pleat. Continue to do this all the way around the entire galette.


Using the egg wash, brush the dough before putting into a 375 degree oven for 35-40 minutes.




Allow to cool slightly and slice into thin pie-shaped pieces.  

Cheers to the New Year!


Here is the recipe for ya…

Artichoke Spinach Galette
Serves 20
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Prep Time
45 min
Cook Time
45 min
Prep Time
45 min
Cook Time
45 min
  1. 3 artichokes
  2. 1 cup spinach leaves, cut into wide ribbons
  3. 1 pie crust
  4. 1/2 cup ricotta cheese
  5. 2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
  6. 1 egg
  7. 1 T. milk
  1. Steam the artichokes for about 30 minutes or until tender
  2. Preheat oven to 375
  3. Mix together the ricotta, mozzarella, spinach leaves and a few dashes of salt and pepper
  4. Place the pie crust on a baking sheet. Mound the cheese mixture onto the center of the pie crust
  5. From the steamed artichokes, remove the leaves to reveal the heart. Chop hearts in half and place on top of the cheese mixture
  6. Fold the pie crust up an over the cheese mixture, adding pleats to the dough all the way around until you've reached the other side
  7. Whisk the egg and milk together and bush the dough
  8. Bake for 35-40 minutes until browned and bubbly
  9. Slice thin and serve
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