Floral Crown
Did you know June is California Grown Flowers Month?
And what awesome timing because graduation celebrations and wedding season are in full force!
If you know anything about me, it’s that I am a huge fan of fresh flowers.
Every time I’m at the store or market, I always grab a bunch of fresh cut flowers.
No matter what!
It just livens up my mood and makes the house feel so homey….even when there is laundry on the floor and dinner to be made!

To make finding beautiful selections of California Grown Flowers easy, Safeway’s Northern California Division launched the “blue bucket campaign!”
Fresh California grown flowers are displayed in large blue buckets…. they are kind of hard to miss!
Beautiful combinations of flowers and greenery just waiting to be chosen and brought home.
My daughter has been asking for a floral crown to wear to school (yes, we are knee deep into fashion and picky selections on hairdos) so I decided to take some of my fresh flowers and made her a crown. It was super quick and can be made a day in advance if you keep it in the fridge. I thought it would be a great addition to any cap and gown decoration too. Can you imagine walking to get your diploma with a crown of fresh flowers? Talk about a California goddess!
For the base of the crown I used raffia wrapped wire that you can buy at the craft store. I measured her head and added an inch so the crown finishes to softly lay on her head.
Next, I cut some of my own freshly sprouted orange leaves for the greenery. You can use any greenery from your yard. Just make sure to wash before using. I also chose a few blooms from my store-bought California Grown cut flowers.
Cut the bloom and the leaf cutting to the same length on the stem
Wrap the stems together with floral tape. (also available at craft stores)
Make many more! I ended up using 12 for this crown.
Using floral wire, wrap the stems to the headpiece and fasten securely. Lay the next sprig on top of it and fasten. Keep going around the entire headpiece until fully covered…
Spray with water to keep as fresh as possible.
Now, go be a Flower Goddess walking down that aisle! Whether it’s the graduation commencement…
Or just a 10 year old going to school on a summer day…
Have fun with whatever you do!