Refreshing Summer Melon Bar


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Refreshing Summer Melon Bar

July 21, 2018
CA Grown Mom

Susan Phillips

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Refreshing Summer Melon Bar

Refreshing Summer Melon Bar

California Melon Season. Make a Melon Bar!

Melon season is in full force in the Golden State, and what better time to take advantage of hosting a fun and tasty Melon Party full of fresh melons and sweet toppings.  

Think warm Summer nights enhanced by a cool Dessert Melon Bar!  

Nothing much better than that!

I found so many new varieties, I kind of went a bit crazy at the grocery store.  Of course, I couldn’t resist the traditional red seedless watermelon…. always a hit with the kiddos.

But I also picked up a Canary melon, Galia melon, Hami melon and an orange flesh Honeydew.  They all have their own distinct flavor and texture and were all super flavorful with just the right amount of sweetness.

California Melon Season


Cut each melon lengthwise and remove the seeds and pulp from each melon.  Cut in half crosswise to make a wedge.  Cut the wedge in half and you should have the perfect size to push in a popsicle stick if you prefer.


California Melon Season. Make a Melon Bar!

California Melon Season. Make a Melon Bar!

Toppings are interchangeable and completely optional.  Get creative and think FUN!

I pulsed fresh almonds, pecans, and pistachios separately to create a dust consistency of each nut.  Perfect for sprinkling on the melons!

I also made my Basil Salt and Mint Salt using the same method for those that would rather enjoy a savory melon.

I also incorporated fresh whip cream and cocoa nibs for those with a really sweet tooth.  


California Melon Season. Make a Melon Bar!

How fun is this?  And crazy flavorful too!


California Melon Season. Make a Melon Bar!

California Melon Season. Make a Melon Bar!

California Melon Season. Make a Melon Bar!

Get ready for tons of smiles with this perfect Summer Melon Bar!




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Refreshing Summer Melon Bar

California Melon Season. Make a Melon Bar!

Melon season is in full force in the Golden State, and what better time to take advantage of hosting a fun and tasty Melon Party full of fresh melons and sweet toppings.  

Think warm Summer nights enhanced by a cool Dessert Melon Bar!  

Nothing much better than that!

I found so many new varieties, I kind of went a bit crazy at the grocery store.  Of course, I couldn’t resist the traditional red seedless watermelon…. always a hit with the kiddos.

But I also picked up a Canary melon, Galia melon, Hami melon and an orange flesh Honeydew.  They all have their own distinct flavor and texture and were all super flavorful with just the right amount of sweetness.

California Melon Season


Cut each melon lengthwise and remove the seeds and pulp from each melon.  Cut in half crosswise to make a wedge.  Cut the wedge in half and you should have the perfect size to push in a popsicle stick if you prefer.


California Melon Season. Make a Melon Bar!

California Melon Season. Make a Melon Bar!

Toppings are interchangeable and completely optional.  Get creative and think FUN!

I pulsed fresh almonds, pecans, and pistachios separately to create a dust consistency of each nut.  Perfect for sprinkling on the melons!

I also made my Basil Salt and Mint Salt using the same method for those that would rather enjoy a savory melon.

I also incorporated fresh whip cream and cocoa nibs for those with a really sweet tooth.  


California Melon Season. Make a Melon Bar!

How fun is this?  And crazy flavorful too!


California Melon Season. Make a Melon Bar!

California Melon Season. Make a Melon Bar!

California Melon Season. Make a Melon Bar!

Get ready for tons of smiles with this perfect Summer Melon Bar!




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