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CA Grown Mom

Susan Phillips

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Category: Meet a Farmer

May 24, 2019
Meet a Winemaker: Sandy Walheim of Virginia Dare Winery

Some folks start their day with a cup of coffee. But for winemakers, they may be starting the morning off with a winetasting.  That’s sometimes the case for winemaker Sandy Walheim, who’s...

April 19, 2019
Meet a Farmer: Andy and Julia Henderson of Confluence Farms

We caught up with farming couple Andy and Julia Henderson earlier this year when the rain was pouring in their neck of the woods. They were kind enough to spend a few minutes with us and share their...

March 29, 2019
Meet the Vintners: Kaj and Christian Ahlmann of Six Sigma Ranch

M Six Sigma Ranch & Winery is a breathtaking example of California agriculture, the 4,300 property is home to vineyards, cattle, pigs and sheep as well as home to local wildlife.  Owner...

March 22, 2019
Meet a Farmer: Sam Thorp of Spade and Plow Farm

Farming is a family affair for Sam Thorp who farms alongside his father Mike and brother Nick on their organic San Martin farm.  In 2010, they started leasing 10 acres of farmland with an eye on...

March 15, 2019
Meet a Farmer: Bryanna Eisenhut of Stones Throw Farm

It’s all about family, community and sustainable farming for this Colfax, California organic vegetable and flower farm.  Stones Throw Farm is owned and managed by married couple Bryanna and...

December 7, 2018
Meet a Farmer: Todd Ramos of Ramos Farms

Todd Ramos comes from a family of extraordinary farmers.  His grandfather took a leap of faith at age 12. He traveled by himself from Spain to Cuba, then Mexico and finally California, by ship,...

November 9, 2018
Meet a Farmer: Pamela Anderson of Olivewood Ranch Olive Oil

After 15 years of growing grapes in Suisun Valley, California, Pamela Anderson and Pete Vernasco decided to try their hand at olives. They were fortunate enough to find an existing grove with 10 year...

October 12, 2018
Meet a Farmer: Lewis and Suzanne Jester of Eyrie Olive Oil Company

Eyrie is a fitting name for the lovely California olive oil company that sits high above the fog of the Sonoma Valley floor where they make award winning California extra virgin olive oil. Run by...

September 28, 2018
Meet a Farmer: The Sweet Potato Project

Meet the team of young farmers who make up the Sweet Potato Project in Fresno California! This young band of farmers was brought together by Yolanda Randles, executive director of the West Fresno...

September 14, 2018
Meet a Farmer: Luke Wilson of Wil-ker-son Ranch and Chestnut Connection

Most of us think of chestnuts during the holidays.  Their dark smooth shells make their way into supermarkets before Thanksgiving.  But thank goodness we have farmers like Luke Wilson of...

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