Leafy Greens Bouquet


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Leafy Greens Bouquet

May 6, 2015
CA Grown Mom

Susan Phillips

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Leafy Greens Bouquet

Leafy Greens Bouquet

Leafy Greens Bouquet Arrangement.  Use leftover  greens for a lush table centerpiece!

Looking for a fresh and unique idea for your Mother’s Day table this year?  This concept is actually great for any occasion or even when you have some leafy greens left over and want a special setting for your kitchen counter or dinner table.  

Leafy Greens Bouquet Arrangement.  Use leftover  greens for a lush table centerpiece!

This bouquet is a gardener’s dream.  What could be better than using natural & organic greens to surround yourself with! You can get creative with the ingredients too… use what you have on hand or is readily available at your local farmer’s market or grocery store.

Leafy Greens Bouquet Arrangement.  Use leftover  greens for a lush table centerpiece!

I used beautiful rainbow chard with it’s large, veiny leaves.  I love the particular drama it adds to the bouquet!  I also used dinosaur kale with it’s high texture and interesting color.  I cut the aromatic and frilly fronds from a fennel bulb and used them for filler along with some parsley and red kale.

Leafy Greens Bouquet Arrangement.  Use leftover  greens for a lush table centerpiece!

Just make sure all the produce is fresh and hydrated when you purchase it.  

Leafy Greens Bouquet Arrangement.  Use leftover  greens for a lush table centerpiece!

The portion that will be submersed in the vase under water should be stripped of as much of the leaf as possible, to prevent premature rotting

Leafy Greens Bouquet Arrangement.  Use leftover  greens for a lush table centerpiece!

Fill your vase with the large-leafed greens first…

Leafy Greens Bouquet Arrangement.  Use leftover  greens for a lush table centerpiece!

And fill in the gaps with your smaller greens to compliment

Leafy Greens Bouquet Arrangement.  Use leftover  greens for a lush table centerpiece!

Set out and enjoy!

Leafy Greens Bouquet Arrangement.  Use leftover  greens for a lush table centerpiece!

Leafy Greens Bouquet Arrangement.  Use leftover  greens for a lush table centerpiece!

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Leafy Greens Bouquet

Leafy Greens Bouquet Arrangement.  Use leftover  greens for a lush table centerpiece!

Looking for a fresh and unique idea for your Mother’s Day table this year?  This concept is actually great for any occasion or even when you have some leafy greens left over and want a special setting for your kitchen counter or dinner table.  

Leafy Greens Bouquet Arrangement.  Use leftover  greens for a lush table centerpiece!

This bouquet is a gardener’s dream.  What could be better than using natural & organic greens to surround yourself with! You can get creative with the ingredients too… use what you have on hand or is readily available at your local farmer’s market or grocery store.

Leafy Greens Bouquet Arrangement.  Use leftover  greens for a lush table centerpiece!

I used beautiful rainbow chard with it’s large, veiny leaves.  I love the particular drama it adds to the bouquet!  I also used dinosaur kale with it’s high texture and interesting color.  I cut the aromatic and frilly fronds from a fennel bulb and used them for filler along with some parsley and red kale.

Leafy Greens Bouquet Arrangement.  Use leftover  greens for a lush table centerpiece!

Just make sure all the produce is fresh and hydrated when you purchase it.  

Leafy Greens Bouquet Arrangement.  Use leftover  greens for a lush table centerpiece!

The portion that will be submersed in the vase under water should be stripped of as much of the leaf as possible, to prevent premature rotting

Leafy Greens Bouquet Arrangement.  Use leftover  greens for a lush table centerpiece!

Fill your vase with the large-leafed greens first…

Leafy Greens Bouquet Arrangement.  Use leftover  greens for a lush table centerpiece!

And fill in the gaps with your smaller greens to compliment

Leafy Greens Bouquet Arrangement.  Use leftover  greens for a lush table centerpiece!

Set out and enjoy!

Leafy Greens Bouquet Arrangement.  Use leftover  greens for a lush table centerpiece!

Leafy Greens Bouquet Arrangement.  Use leftover  greens for a lush table centerpiece!

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