Grilled Artichoke with Zesty Garlic Aioli


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Grilled Artichoke with Zesty Garlic Aioli

May 25, 2016
CA Grown Mom

Susan Phillips

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Grilled Artichoke with Zesty Garlic Aioli

Nothing really says Summer other than Bar-B-Que

Grilled Artichokes with Zesty Garlic Aioli  Our family literally cooks outside every single day, in one form or another.  We love the sights and the sounds that accompany being outside with our food.  

It’s our family time to bond and hang out.  We’ve even been known to have the kids do their homework outside, just so we can enjoy the backyard!  So, we are always looking for new foods to put on the grill…


These Grilled Artichokes with Zesty Garlic Aioli are my go-to dish for satisfying any weekend guests.  It’s the perfect snack to share while the rest of the meal is being prepared.  And I assure you, they will be devoured….

Grilled Artichokes with Zesty Garlic Aioli

The char that comes with grilling these artichokes after they have been steamed is magnificent.  You get that crust and smoke flavor that normally comes from Bar-B-Que, yet the flesh of the artichoke stays super tender.


Grilled Artichokes with Zesty Garlic Aioli

After the artichokes are steamed and the rough fibers removed with a spoon, you brush the halved artichokes with a light olive oil.  This ensures a nice toasting of the flesh on the grill.


Grilled Artichokes with Zesty Garlic Aioli

The charring of the artichokes only takes about 5 minutes on a hot grill.  You can use a gas or charcoal grill, your choice!


Grilled Artichokes with Zesty Garlic Aioli

And Lord, have mercy with that sauce – the flavors are so vibrant!  Lemon and garlic are the star ingredients and they compliment the smoky artichokes perfectly!




Here is a super duper video we made to show you all the steps and just how easy this recipe is… Take a quick watch!


And here is the printable recipe for ya too…


Grilled Artichokes with Zesty Garlic Aioli
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Prep Time
15 min
Cook Time
40 min
Total Time
55 min
Prep Time
15 min
Cook Time
40 min
Total Time
55 min
  1. 3 artichokes
  2. 2 lemons, divided
  3. 6 cloves garlic, divided
  4. 3/4 cup mayo
  5. 1/4 cup sour cream
  6. Salt and Pepper
  1. Place a small amount of water in a large pot for steaming
  2. Cut up a lemon and place in the water
  3. Place 3 garlic cloves in the water and bring to a boil
  4. Place the steamer basket in the pot and add the artichokes cut side down down. Steam for about 40 minutes
  5. Make the aioli by combining the mayo and sour cream. Add the juice of one lemon, 3 garlic cloves, minced, and the zest of one lemon. Add salt and pepper and store in the fridge until the chokes are done.
  6. Remove the cooked chokes and cut in half.
  7. Scoop out the rough fibers from the center of each half
  8. Brush each half with a bit of olive oil and place face down on a hot grill for about 5 minutes
  1. This is the perfect Summertime appetizer to serve all your weekend guests
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