No Crumbs Left’s Tomato Confit


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No Crumbs Left’s Tomato Confit

May 24, 2019
CA Grown Mom

Susan Phillips

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No Crumbs Left’s Tomato Confit

Guest post by K.C. Cornwell

Tomato season is here, which is reason enough to celebrate, but the CA GROWN team has another reason to be excited. Our friend Teri Turner’s No Crumbs Left: Recipes for Everyday Food Made Marvelous cookbook has just been released, and it’s full of goodness grown in California.

There are so many delicious recipes in the book, it was hard to choose just one to share, but when I saw this recipe for Tomato Confit, I knew this was the one. It’s an easy and delicious way to preserve fresh summer tomato flavor, plus it’s super versatile. Use it as a soup or sauce base, a salad dressing, toss it with pasta or tuna, or mix it into mayo, guacamole or crème fresh for a condiment with tomato kick. A jar of homemade Tomato Confit is also a fabulous gift.


This recipe comes together in a snap. You simply immerse tomatoes, garlic and fresh basil in a pool of extra virgin olive oil, and then sprinkle with salt.


Then you pop it all in a preheated oven for 30 minutes, or until the tomatoes are hot and bubbly. That’s all it takes!

Did I mention how good this is blended as a fresh tomato ketchup? Just add a sprinkle of salt and a touch of balsamic, then blend into a smooth paste. Delicious!

Once you’ve made a batch of this tomato goodness, it’s sure to become a kitchen staple. Give it a try soon, and tag @nocrumbsleft and @cagrownofficial on Instagram if you make it and snap a photo.

No Crumbs Left Tomato Confit
Yields 3
A versatile recipe full of fresh tomato flavor from Teri Turner’s “No Crumbs Left, Recipes for Everyday Food Made Marvelous” cookbook
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  1. 5 cups cherry or grape tomatoes
  2. 2 1/2 cups extra virgin olive oil
  3. 1 cup fresh basil leaves
  4. 2 garlic cloves, crushed
  5. 1 teaspoon Kosher salt
  1. Preheat oven to 350 F
  2. In a shallow baking dish (11x7 inch works well), immerse the tomatoes in the olive oil, ensuring tomatoes are completely covered. Tuck the basil leaves and garlic into the dish and sprinkle with salt. Bake with 30 minutes, or until the tomatoes are tender, hot and bubbling.
  3. Remove from the oven and let cool to room temperature. Once cooled, transfer the tomatoes and oil to glass jars, making sure oil completely covers the tomatoes, and seal the jars. Store in the refrigerator for up to 1 month.
California Grown
Photos by Alycia Moreno

K.C. Cornwell is a recipe developer and social media expert that works on the CA GROWN team. See more of K.C.’s work on her blog G-Free Foodie.


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