Radish Butter


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Radish Butter

November 9, 2016
CA Grown Mom

Susan Phillips

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Radish Butter

Radish Butter. Sweet, salty and peppery all in one place.!

I bet you’re thinking, what the wha?

Radish and butter doesn’t sound like a pair that you would traditionally combine, but did you know this odd duo is a favorite snack in France?  They dip whole radishes into softened butter and sprinkle it with a fair amount of high quality salt.  If you’ve never had it before, it is divine!  It cuts that seemingly harsh flavor of the radish and creates a lovely treat that you might get addicted to!


Radish Butter. Sweet, salty and peppery all in one place.!

But I like fun and flavored butters and am always looking for ways to wow my dinner guests so this Radish Butter was a no brainer!  Super easy and outrageously tasty, it’s the perfect accompaniment to all your bread serving this holiday.  Plus, can the colors be any better?  Red and green add to the upcoming holiday festivities, but don’t let that stop you from using all the other beautiful colors radishes come in nowadays (Easter egg variety).  


Radish Butter. Sweet, salty and peppery all in one place.!

Purple, pink, white and traditional red radishes are in season right now so that means they are inexpensive and in full stock at your local store or market.  I even have some growing in my garden so we have gotten accustomed to eating them a lot.  I’ve even got my hubby fully on board!

We just recently discovered topping our tacos with radish and I may not ever have a taco without radish again!


Radish Butter. Sweet, salty and peppery all in one place.!

This teeny tiny radish chop is pretty simple and the bulbs are easy to handle.  Start by cutting the radish bulb ends off and slicing thin medallions from the flesh


Radish Butter. Sweet, salty and peppery all in one place.!

Now stack 4 to 5 medallions on top of each other and slice to create matchsticks


Radish Butter. Sweet, salty and peppery all in one place.!

Turn the matchsticks and cut again, making a very small chop of each bulb


Radish Butter. Sweet, salty and peppery all in one place.!

I had to dig right into my butter, but I recommend allowing the ingredients to marry their flavors for a few hours before serving….


Radish Butter. Sweet, salty and peppery all in one place.!

This butter is not only perfect for fresh french bread, but try it on crackers, grilled steak or even your morning toast!


Radish Butter. Sweet, salty and peppery all in one place.!

Dig in and enjoy!


Here is the recipe for ya…

Radish Butter
A tasty butter that is perfect to top your bread, crackers or toast
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Prep Time
10 min
Total Time
10 min
Prep Time
10 min
Total Time
10 min
  1. 1 lb. butter, softened to room temperature
  2. 4 medium radish bulbs
  3. 10-12 chive stems, chopped
  4. 1-2 t. high quality salt, such as fleur de sel
  1. Chop the radish into a small dice
  2. Add the radish and chives to the butter and stir thoroughly to combine
  3. Add the salt to taste
  1. Refrigerate for a few hours before serving to allow flavors to marry
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